Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2024
This poster focuses on the development of a capacitive pressure sensor for condition monitoring applications. One method to measure vibrations is to mount an pressure sensor on the vibrating machinery or object and measure the pressure exerted due to vibrations. Measured pressure level ... En savoir plus
The dynamic response of microcantilever, which is a simple microelectromechanical system (MEMS) structure, to sine wave excitation is studied using the vibrational speaker set up in the atmospheric damping. Microcantilever is fabricated using micro wire cut EDM process for high ... En savoir plus
The attempt has taken to miniaturized size of non contact temperature sensor by using ultrasonic trans-receiver. The piezoelectric material is used in both transmitter and receiver ends for this ultrasonic Micro-Electronics Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based temperature sensing device. ... En savoir plus
Several acoustic vector-sensor (AVS) configurations have been tested for direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in a diffused reverberant environment using pressure gradient method. The discrete pressure sensors have been arranged with different geometrical placement and pressure ... En savoir plus
Multiphysics acoustics is increasingly used to design products to meet sound, ultrasound and infrasound and other structural, thermal, electromagnetic requirements. In this paper, Multiphysics Acoustical applications such as digital stethoscope, glazing products and acoustical ... En savoir plus
The presence of manufacturing defects in the form of incomplete welding and missing perforated holes leads to internal leakages in mufflers. This results into unintended acoustic impedance modifications as well as the Herschel-Quincke effect. The narrow region acoustics model of COMSOL ... En savoir plus
Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is a nonlinear phenomenon coupling optical and elastic waves. Traditionally regarded as an undesirable side-effect, it has garnered renewed interest as a platform for investigating slow light, nonreciprocity, and for designing high-performance chip ... En savoir plus
One of the limitations of pipelines performance and structural integrity assessment is the continuous inspection of possible leaks due to corrosion or other types of failure mechanisms. Efforts to develop new technologies started several decades ago where different inspection techniques ... En savoir plus
Crack detection is and has been an active field of exploration, both theoretical and applied for a number of years. It is the belief of this author that the concepts presented herein explore a new methodology for the modeling and the detection of cracks and families of cracks in ... En savoir plus
Pipeline inspection tools present some limitations related to power supply which require recharging after each operation. Using batteries or tethered tools make the duration to inspect any pipeline very limited and time consuming. This paper aims at designing a spherical self-recharging ... En savoir plus