Acoustic FEA Modeling of Mobile Computing Devices Frequency Response
The innovation in audio quality enables organizations to increase efficiency and business value by using the power of crystal-clear voice calls. Steady growth in digital voice communication demands accurate acoustic simulation tools as a prerequisite for cost reduction and shorter time to market.
We introduce the acoustic finite element analysis (FEA) of speaker enclosures. The objectives are to compute the sound pressure level (SPL) and frequency response using CAD (Creo Parametric) models and multidisciplinary interaction and knowledge sharing culture.
Optimization of the front cavity acoustic performance using finite element simulation is enabled by COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation software 5.4 Pressure Acoustics interface. Conditions exist for modeling acoustic losses, sources, porous, reflecting and non-reflecting radiation boundaries. For complex front cavities the FEA modeling yields accurate predictions of resonances that are not otherwise available from the Helmholtz approximation or lumped element modeling. For example, FEA modeling of a dual ported front cavity reveals two resonances in agreement with experimental observations. Both lumped element and Helmholtz approximations yield only approximate estimates of the single lower resonance.
The front cavity propagates pressure waves created by loudspeaker through open ports to a listener. By association with human vocal tract function the front cavity adds articulation and coloration to emanating sounds, finding distant historical correlation with bel canto principle. Respectively, the geometry of the front cavity has a strong influence on how the device sounds. Small changes to the front cavity, that originate from simple mechanical changes to surrounding components, alter the sound quality and loudness of the final product. These changes can be detected and quantified by FEA simulation. Whether it is speech, music, discrete frequency alerts or ultrasonic intelligence signaling the front cavity adds its own spectral coloration to the output sound. Front cavities with multiple resonances can be created and optimized to boost the sensitivity at ultrasonic frequencies.
Conducted in the early stage of development the FEA modeling offers a reliable custom design tool to improve audio performance, minimize sound attenuation, and maximize loudness. Furthermore, FEA enables computation of the interaction between solid frame components and air acoustic offering advanced design of smart speakers and sensors.

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