La Bibliothèque d'Applications présente des modèles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande variété d'applications, dans les domaines de l'électromagnétisme, de la mécanique des solides, de la mécanique des fluides et de la chimie. Vous pouvez télécharger ces modèles résolus avec leur documentation détaillée, comprenant les instructions de construction pas-à-pas, et vous en servir comme point de départ de votre travail de simulation. Utilisez l'outil de recherche rapide pour trouver les modèles et applications correspondant à votre domaine d'intérêt. Notez que de nombreux exemples présentés ici sont également accessibles via la Bibliothèques d'Applications intégrée au logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics® et disponible à partir du menu Fichier.
In this tutorial, the vibrational behavior of a small aluminum plate with four waveguide structures is analyzed. This is an example of a structural component located in a device where elastic waves are propagating, like a smart speaker, an electric motor, or a MEMS device. The plate can ... En savoir plus
An Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structure can be used to increase the isolation between antennas close to each other. The decoupling effect is not only a function of frequency but also polarization and coupling-plane configuration. When designing an EBG structure, one needs to make ... En savoir plus
A Gaussian beam is launched into BK-7 optical glass. The material has an intensity-dependent refractive index. At the center of the beam, the refractive index is the largest. The induced refractive index profile counteracts diffraction and actually focuses the beam. Self-focusing is ... En savoir plus
This model demonstrates how to compute the acoustic properties of an acoustic liner with a grazing flow. The liner consists of eight resonators with thin slits. The background grazing flow is at Mach number 0.3. The sound pressure level above the liner is computed and can be compared to ... En savoir plus
The response of a millimeter wave with frequencies of 35 GHz and 95 GHz is known to be very sensitive to water content. This model utilizes a low-power 35 GHz Ka-band millimeter wave and its reflectivity to moisture for noninvasive cancer diagnosis. Since skin tumors contain more ... En savoir plus
This example models the radiation of fan noise from the annular duct of a turbofan aeroengine. When the jet stream exits the duct, a vortex sheet appears along the extension of the duct wall due to the surrounding air moving at a lower speed. The near field on both sides of the vortex ... En savoir plus
This model presents a method to analyze acoustic damping pads. These pads use a constrained layer of viscoelastic material to dissipate energy and thus reduce the energy radiated as noise. Damping pads are used in many different industries to reduce the noise generated by vibrating ... En savoir plus
This model simulates a 16-level, first-order, focusing Fresnel lens with 50 µm diameter and 150 µm focal length. In one simulation, the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface computes the electric field in the Fresnel lens and the surrounding air domain extended to the focal ... En savoir plus
This model demonstrates how to perform simulations of an absorbing bandstop color filter, based on a hexagonal array of holes in a thin aluminum layer. The structure is hexagonally periodic but this example also shows how to set the model up as rectangularly periodic. En savoir plus
In this model, the scattering coefficient of a Schroeder diffuser is calculated. This coefficient can then be used as input to express boundary conditions in typical room acoustic simulations. The effect of periodicity is also investigated by studying the responses from different ... En savoir plus