Errors with Piecewise Function

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I'm testing incorporating variable material properties into my model with a piecewise function but am getting errors when I try to run it. Is this the correct syntax? When changing the material property to the function argument it goes yellow.

Here are images of my view from a specific heat function.

Thank you. Jocelyn

1 Reply Last Post 9 mars 2025, 05:11 UTC−4

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Posted: 5 days ago 9 mars 2025, 05:11 UTC−4
Updated: 5 days ago 9 mars 2025, 05:19 UTC−4

If you hover over the orange colored (which indicates problem) text, maybe an error text pops up.

I think you can't use T there as used. The used function argument name T only exist inside your piecewise function. From outside you must use a constant or a variable, which exists outside.

Or Cp as variable name and Cp also as function name is a problem.

Nice greetings

If you hover over the orange colored (which indicates problem) text, maybe an error text pops up. I think you can't use T there as used. The used function argument name T only exist inside your piecewise function. From outside you must use a constant or a variable, which exists outside. Or Cp as variable name and Cp also as function name is a problem. Nice greetings


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