Line Mass Source

William Anthonius Wiyono

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I am modeling a variably saturated groundwater flow using Richardson equation in 2D model. Within the domain itself, I have one pumping well (for extraction). In addition to this, I assume that the groundwater is saline with the concentration of 1mol/m3. Thus, I use the transport of diluted species in porous media to simulate how salt is being extracted by the pumping well. I found that there is a function called "line mass source" which can simulate the extraction of saline water from my domain. However, I am not sure what variables I need to specify for the line mass source (unit: kg/m.s)

Currently, I just assume these variables as my line mass source ql = -c * (dl.well1.M0/rhof) c - concentration (mol/m3) dl.well1.M0 - mass flow from the well rhof - fluid density

I am not sure what other variable I need to specify since the reduced unit for this assumption is (mol/s). I suppose the diameter of the well could take part into this equation.

Seeking for some opinion and guidance. Thanks a lot!

0 Replies Last Post 13 nov. 2024, 09:31 UTC−5
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