Obtaining Control Variables in MATLAB

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Hello, I am a master's student currently conducting research on topology optimization, and I have a question regarding the acquisition of control variables.

For the topology optimization of a cantilever beam, I used COMSOL with MATLAB. In COMSOL, I conducted the forward analysis and obtained the sensitivity information. Then, using MATLAB's MMA code, I calculated a new control variable based on the control variable and sensitivity obtained earlier. I updated this new control variable in the solution (sol) using "setU()" and "createsolution," thus completing the topology optimization.

Currently, I am working on an optimization project based on Frequency Domain analysis. I followed a similar process to the cantilever beam topology optimization; however, after model analysis, the variable obtained through "mphgetU()" did not contain the initial control variable. Upon checking in the COMSOL GUI result tab, I found that the initial control variable could be seen by selecting "static solution" under the "expression evaluated for" tab instead of "harmonic perturbation."

In summary, although the control variable is retained after the analysis, why does the variable obtained with "mphgetU()" in MATLAB not contain the control variable?

1 Reply Last Post 8 nov. 2024, 04:57 UTC−5
Kristian Ejlebjærg Jensen COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 4 months ago 8 nov. 2024, 04:57 UTC−5
Updated: 4 months ago 8 nov. 2024, 04:58 UTC−5

Hi sang uk park

You might be able to use the interpolation functionality, see the documentation.

Best regards,

Kristian E. Jensen, Technical Product Manager, Optimization

Hi sang uk park You might be able to use the interpolation functionality, see [the documentation](https://doc.comsol.com/6.2/docserver/#!/com.comsol.help.comsol/comsol_api_results.50.074.html). Best regards, Kristian E. Jensen, Technical Product Manager, Optimization


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